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white fingers中文是什么意思

用"white fingers"造句"white fingers"怎么读"white fingers" in a sentence


  • 【医学】白指症。


  • Most of these persons had gold rings on their soft white fingers and glove-like kid or calfskin boots on their feet .
  • White fingers and nimble tore at the string and paper
  • White fingers and nimble tore at the string and oaoer
  • Grey incidence analysis of effective factors on vibration - induced white finger
  • Survey on the white finger of vibration instrument workers in zhangdian district
  • This young woman was particularly dressy for her station , and wore a jewelled ring or two which flashed upon her white fingers as she played
  • With the noiseless steps of a man in full vigour of his age , he went up to the sick man . his delicate , white fingers lifted his disengaged hand from the quilt , and turning away , the doctor began feeling the pulse in absorbed attention
  • Boris , with his characteristic nicety , was building the draughts into a pyramid with his delicate , white fingers , while he waited for berg to play . he was watching his partners face , obviously thinking of the game , his attention concentrated , as it always was , on what he was engaged in
  • This door was a mockery to the conci rge , from whose vigilance and jurisdiction it was free , and , like that famous portal in the arabian nights , opening at the " sesame " of ali baba , it was wont to swing backward at a cabalistic word or a concerted tap from without from the sweetest voices or whitest fingers in the world
  • Every one was mute , and the only sounds audible were the clatter of knives on the plates and the munching of the lieutenant . when telyanin had finished his lunch , he took out of his pocket a double purse ; with his little white fingers , that were curved at the tips , he parted the rings , took out some gold , and raising his eyebrows , gave the money to the attendant
用"white fingers"造句  


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